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Imagine Marine Conference Program
Day 1: Wednesday, October 2nd
08:00 – 08:45
Room 214
08:00 – 08:45
Room 214
Conference Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:10
Room 214
9:00 - 9:10
Room 214
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Julia Fields, Executive Director at the Canadian Marine Careers Foundation
9:10 - 9:30
Room 214
9:10 - 9:30
Room 214
Keynote Address
Angela Splinter, CEO of Trucking HR Canada
As CEO of Trucking HR Canada, Angela Splinter is the steward of talent management best practices for the trucking and logistics sector. Under Angela’s leadership, Trucking HR Canada has become a national centre of excellence where stakeholders in commercial transportation, public policy, training and economic analysis work together to help trucking and logistics employers meet the growing demands of Canada’s freight economy. The organization has forged significant alliances and expanded its mandate to become a trusted delivery partner for federal and provincial labour related grants and contributions, as well as a source of industry workforce data and assessments through its Labour Market Information (LMI) initiative.

Convener, collaborator, spokesperson and champion for advancing the priorities of one of the country’s largest workforces – Angela’s tenure has spearheaded the development of the distinguished Women with Drive and Top Fleet Employers programs which recognize HR leaders and transportation companies for excellence in human resources and provide models for others to follow. These and other programs promote an environment where professionals share strategies, policies and practices that drive career-of-choice recognition and the industry’s success.
9:30 - 10:30
Room 214
9:30 - 10:30
Room 214
Opening Panel
Leadership in Action: Confronting Marine Skills Shortages for a Sustainable Future

  • Moderated by Stéphanie Aubourg (Chief Human Resources Officer, CSL Group Inc. & CMCF Chair)
  • Mario Pelletier (Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard)
  • Gregg Ruhl (CEO, Algoma Central Corporation)
  • Julie Gascon (President & CEO, Montreal Port Authority)
  • Jon Booren (Director of Talent, Ontario Shipyards)
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
Coffee Break/Networking
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 214
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 214
Moving the Needle on Advancing Gender Diversity at Sea and On Shore
  • Susanne Justesen (Director Human Sustainability, Global Maritime Forum)
  • Lonita Judge (WISTA Canada; VP-Atlantic and Chief Operating Officer, Horizon Maritime)
  • Mélanie Leblanc (Director, Institut maritime du Québec)
  • Nathalie Sykora (Chief Marine and Digital Solutions Officer, CSL)
Exploring strategies and initiatives to increase the representation and advancement of women and gender diverse individuals in both seafaring and shoreside roles.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Room 214
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Room 214
Buffet Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Room 214
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Room 214
(Breakout Session, Option A) Creating New Pathways into the Marine Sector
  • Moderated by Paul Hilder (President, Council of Marine Carriers)
  • Christy Griffin (Executive Director, Tall Ships Canada)
  • Julia Murphy (Director of Seafarer Certification, Transport Canada)
  • Dr. Terrah Keener (Dean for the School of Access, Education and Language, Nova Scotia Community College & Chair of the Irving Shipbuilding Centre of Excellence Steering Committee)
  • Tyro Setlhong (Diversity Equity & Inclusion Advisor, Irving Shipbuilding Inc.)
  • Kelly Jones (Program Manager, YMCA of Niagara Employment & Immigrant Services
This session highlights programs that have been developed to bring second career seekers and new entrants into the marine industry, as well as proposals for new initiatives that could be undertaken.
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Room 210
1:00 – 2:30 PM
Room 210
(Breakout Session, Option B) Workplace Wellness
  • Moderated by Dr. Jason Zuidema (Executive Director, North American Maritime Ministry Association)
  • Patti Merrigan (Vice-President of Human Resources, Marine Atlantic)
  • Captain Heidi Thomas (Master, Marine Atlantic
  • Manou Bernard (General Director, Comité sectoriel de main-d'oeuvre de l'industrie maritime)
  • Dana Tremblay (Director, People Recruitment and Total Rewards, B.C. Ferries)
  • Chris Given (Secretary Treasure of Seafarers’ International Union of Canada and member of the ITF Maritime Safety Committee (ITF delegation to IMO))
Best practices and initiatives aimed at improving psychological safety, physical health, and mental health support in the marine work environment.
2:30 – 3:00 PM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
2:30 – 3:00 PM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
Coffee Break/Networking
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 214
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 214
Level Up: Next Steps in Building a Vibrant Indigenous Marine Workforce
  • Moderated by Richard Haire (Business Development and Industry Services Manager, School of Transportation, British Columbia Institute of Technology)
  • Sarah Thomas (Director of Indigenous Programs, Clear Seas)
  • Karen Paul (Executive Director of Workforce Warriors Inc.)
  • Patricia Baxter (Consultant, Workforce Warriors)
Introducing two new programs for training and transitioning Indigenous workers into the marine sector, along with practical strategies to enhance recruitment and retention.
5:00 – 7:00 PM
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Reception for Delegates & Speakers
Day 2: Thursday, October 3rd
7:45 AM
Room 214
7:45 AM
Room 214
Conference Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Room 214
8:45 AM – 8:55 AM
Room 214
Opening Remarks
Captain Ebenezer March, National President of Master Mariners of Canada
8:55 - 9:20 AM
Room 214
8:55 - 9:20 AM
Room 214
Keynote Address
Nancy Andrews, Chief Engagement and Communications Officer at Canada’s Ocean Supercluster
A senior leader in communications, business development, and stakeholder relations for more than 20 years, Nancy is currently the Chief Engagement and Communications Officer at Canada’s Ocean Supercluster. Nancy plays an instrumental role in helping tell Canada’s ocean story to the world and building momentum behind it. This past year Marketing News Canada named Nancy one of Canada’s Top 25 Marketers to Watch on LinkedIn, and she was previously the recipient of the Communicator of the Year Award from IABC-NL. She currently serves as Chair of the WRDC Board of Directors and lives in St. John’s with her husband Glenn and their sons.

Nancy will share insights about building awareness, and creating pathways, for inclusive talent development, attraction, and retention in the ocean economy through OSC investments, share key insights from the career pathways research; and discuss the successful "On the Job" campaign, which already reached over 1 million views on social media.
9:20 – 10:30 AM
Room 214
9:20 – 10:30 AM
Room 214
The Future Marine Worker
  • Moderated by Dr. Sherry Scully (Director of Workforce Development at The PIER)
  • Donald Roussel (Founder and Board Member of the Intelligent Maritime Corridors International Council)
  • Fred Varkaris (Dean, Owen Sound Campus & Centre for Marine Training and Research)
  • Laura Simpson (Naval Architect Engineer, Vessel Procurement, Canadian Coast Guard)
Examining the evolving skills and training required by employers and marine workers as the sector incorporates AI, machine learning, autonomous, and decarbonization technologies. How do we meet workforce expectations and integrate sustainability into future marine employment strategies?
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Rideau Canal South (RCS)
Coffee Break/Networking
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 214
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 214
(Breakout Session, Option A)
Level Up Workshop: Inclusive Recruitment, From Job Ad to Onboarding
Natasha Jeshani, President & CEO of Career Contacts
(a Fractional Recruitment and HR Consulting Firm) and the Founder of Training Arch (a Corporate Training Company)
How can the marine sector enhance recruitment to attract more equity-deserving groups? In order to effectively train managers and leaders in the art and skill of interviewing, leaders must first understand the importance of interviewing well, the impact it has on their employees, candidates and overall business culture and growth.

This two-part session* will transform your interview processes into a strategic advantage, equipping your team with the skills to navigate diverse candidate landscapes, leverage cutting-edge technology, and continuously enhance your organization's hiring practices for sustained success.

* Session participants will also be able to register for a free 60-minute follow-up workshop that will be held virtually at a later date.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 210
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 210
(Breakout Session, Option B)
Increasing Seafarer Training Capacity and Accessibility
  • Moderated by Captain Jim Parsons of Master Mariners
  • John M Schmidt (President, Federal Fleet Services Inc.)
  • Paul Hilder (President, Council of Marine Carriers)
  • Jennifer Howell (Registrar, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University)
Canada needs to hire 19,000 new seafarers in the next 10 years, but obstacles exist to increase the training of Canadian mariners. This session delves into these challenges and what solutions can be deployed to improve the ability to access training, including the required sea time for certification.
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Imagine Marine, a CMCF Initiative. © 2025, Canadian Marine Careers Foundation, all rights reserved.
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